Saturday, September 06, 2008

Blood Splatters on Barletta - Campaign in Jeopardy

With the murder of Luis Ramirez a Mexican Immigrant seen as the logical conclusion of the anti immigrant rhetoric of Hazleton Mayor Larry Barletta Republican insiders worried about congressional campaign. Did the verbal attacks of small town neo-fascist Larry Barletta drive teens to murder? Knowledgeable political operatives are concerned that Barletta is a one issue candidate and his one issue is rapidly going south.

4th Pa. teen charged in killing of immigrant

Sat Sep 6, 12:15 PM ET

POTTSVILLE, Pa. - Authorities in Pennsylvania say a fourth teenager has been charged in the fatal beating of a Mexican immigrant.
Schuylkill County prosecutors charged the teen in juvenile court Friday with aggravated assault, ethnic intimidation and other offenses. His name and age are not being released.

Three others are charged as adults in the July attack in the town of Shenandoah on 25-year-old factory worker Luis Ramirez.

Homicide charges are filed against 16-year-old Brandon Piekarsky and 17-year-old Colin Walsh. Eighteen-year-old Derrick Donchak faces aggravated assault and other charges.

A local school district has agreed to provide Piekarsky and Walsh with 12 hours of in-home education per week while the case against them is pending.

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